Please use the following form to check the availability of a domain name. Please provide a value for a domain name and select one of the extensions (i.e., ".com", ".net", ".org", "", etc.). A query will be performed on the appropriate WHOIS database.

You can use our Domain Name Wizard to assist you in selecting a domain name.

You can also search globally using our Global Domain Name Search.

If you are interested in Transfering a Domain Name please click here.

Domain Names - Reserve your Internet Identity!

  What is a domain name? 

A domain name is your unique name on the Internet. It allows your company, organization or family to establish an Internet presence, consisting of your personalized eMail addresses and your own Web site address.

Domain names are composed of two sections - the descriptive name, and the domain suffix (e.g. .com, .net or .org). Some examples of domain names are "", "" and "".

You may register any domain name that you wish, as long as it is available. Common domain name choices reflect your full name or an abbreviation, a product or service name, or a general industry name.

  Why should I register a domain name NOW?

Each domain name in the world must be unique - only one company can register and utilize However, there are very few restrictions on domain names - anyone may register just about any domain name they wish. As a result, more than 20,000 .com, .net and .org domain names are registered every day, effectively removing these domains from circulation. There is a strong possibility that if you do not register your domain name, another company or individual will!

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