Use Policy
Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. provides web hosting to many clients on the web.
Therefore, Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. is responsible to protect each client and
to provide the best services available to each client.
Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. has put together the following guidelines to ensure
that these obligations are met.
1.) Content:
All services provided by Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. may be used for lawful purposes
only. Transmission, storage or presentation of any information, data or material
in violation of any United States Federal, State or City law is prohibited. This
includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted material, material we judge to be
threatening or obscene or material protected by trade secret or other statute.
The subscriber agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. from any
claims resulting from the use of the service that damages the subscriber or any
other party.
All sex-related merchandising and pornographic content is prohibited on all
Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. servers. This policy includes sites that may infer sexual
content or links to adult content elsewhere. Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. will be the sole
authority in determining violations of this provision.
Also prohibited are sites that promote any illegal activity or present content
that may be damaging to Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. servers or any other server on the
Internet. Links to such materials are also prohibited.
Here are examples of unacceptable content or links
Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. Service Guidelines and Acceptable Uses Policy are the following:
programs or archives
BNC daemon
Programs are also prohibited
or IRC bots may not be operated on our servers.
Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a
violation of this provision.
Commercial Advertising:
Spamming, or the sending of unsolicited e-mail, from an Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc.
server or using an e-mail address or domain that is maintained on an
Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. machine as reference is STRICTLY prohibited. Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation
of this provision.
Server Resources:
Any attempt to undermine or cause harm to a server or customer of Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. is strictly prohibited. Shared Servers are monitored on a per
activity basis. Any site that utilizes more than 10% of a servers resources
including CPU usage will be automatically terminated. This provision
is necessary to prevent the overloading and possible crashing of a server
due to high CPU server loads from any one client.
Domain Registration:
Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. provide Domain Registration for any of our clients
that sign up for any of our hosting plans and choose to register a new
domain. The only limitation is that the domain must be of either .org,
.com, net, or .us origin. The cost for Domain Registration is $15.00. This
gives the client full rights to the domain name in the event that the
client choose to utilize another company for hosting.
At the end of the 1-year period you are responsible for paying the yearly
registration fees for the domain name for as long as it is active. The
cost per domain name is $15.00/year.
Refusal of Service:
Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. reserve the right to cancel, suspend or refuse service
at our sole discretion.
All Sub-Networks, distributive hosting sites and dedicated servers of
Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. must adhere to the above policies.
Server Backups:
Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. performs routine backups on all of our
web servers. However, each client will be responsible for all backups
needed for their web site. Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. will not
be held responsible for lost or corrupt data to any clients web
site files.
The cancellation of a hosting account is the client’s sole responsibility.
Each account will be automatically renewed each due date using the current
credit card on file for the account. If at anytime a client wishes to
cancel service they must submit a cancellation email 24-48 hours before
the next due date. There is no cancellation fee; however, if an account
is cancelled after billing has occurred there will be no refund for
the remaining time unused. Early cancellation of accounts greater than
6 months, 1 year, or 2 years will be pro-rated to the month to month rate
for services\time used. To cancel and existing hosting account please submit
an email to sales@eagleslair.net, include your name, Domain Name, and hosting
account you wish to cancel. Your hosting account will be cancelled immediately. All data on the domain will be deleted and unrecoverable.
8.) Failure
to follow any term or condition will be grounds for immediate account
deactivation. No refunds are guaranteed under any circumstances and
any that is given is solely at the discretion of Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc..
The Finalization of Policies:
This agreement supersedes any written, electronic, oral or any communication
you may have had with Eagle's Lair & Web Services, Inc. or any agent or representative
thereof, and constitutes the complete and total agreement between the
two parties.